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Old 3rd August 2009, 06:25 PM   #1
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Default African knobkerrie 'ended' staff

African staff / knobkerrie 1.20 metres long, weighs 425 grammes. Nice patination, especially at the 'knobkerrie' end . Copper bound end. Various old dents in the knob suggest that this has been used as a weapon. The 'balance' weight of the copper makes it very agile as a striking weapon.

Due to Colin's comments on Masai Runga's having a 'collar' just before the knob, can I safely assume Masai / Samburu region ? I can easily see this used to herd cattle and as a defensive weapon. Not certain as to how old, but the patination suggests decent age. The wood is tight, straight grained hardwood fact, I actually thought at first that the knob / collar was a seperate piece and looked like Rhino (heavy patination made it difficult to see)......sadly a hot pin test proved otherwise .....worth a try though I thought

All comment, as always greatly appreciated Thank you

Regards David
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