Thank you people.
I need to apologise for the quality of the closer shots. I trusted technology with those. The first one is a time exposure. When I get a day with decent light I'll do a couple of time exposures close up and you'll be able to see them better.
Sajen, I may or may not sort them into regions and types, at some time in the future. My initial feeling was that I would do this, but when I set this up I worked every night for a couple of weeks just mounting them onto the display bases, and as I mounted I put them into the cabinet, with taller ones at the back.This hapahazard approach has resulted in something that pleases my eye, so I may not sort them. In fact, my nature does not run to the warehouse approach, I prefer "mix & match" --- a bit like a weekend market.I still have probably a year's evening work in front of me with these because I need to work through them one at a time and clean and tidy them.
Then there are the ones still in the drawers.