Thread: 2 Pata
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Old 26th July 2009, 10:27 PM   #5
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The WPI/Forgeng index of artifacts displays a good number of examples.

What I have read of them indicates age might be a real determinination of intended use. However, the use in ceremony also seems to go back a few centuries. My own feelings are that actual weapon types would, or should, show remaining (or complete) signs of textile padding.

I would put the example above in the completely tourista classification but I don't have research to share regarding 19th/20th/21st century ethnic dancing or presentations. I do know I watch one and wonder about its viability as meant as a using weapon but some aspects of that one does show remanants of padding and a good bit of what looks to me to be honest use/handling.


Hotspur; some dealers price them somehwere in the stratosphere
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