Thread: Bali keris?
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Old 20th July 2009, 10:47 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

This is a peculiar keris.

The hilt does appear to originate from Bali, but it is not a traditional style nor motif.

The blade does not have the overall form of a Bali keris, as there are too many waves, the blade angle and proportions do not really fit Bali, the pamor does not look quite right, the garap does not look quite right --- without the handle I might be inclined to think Lombok, but together with the handle I feel that if I had it in my hand I'd be thinking current era Madura.

It is quite possible that the hilt could be a Madura creation as well.

The hilt ring/pendongkok/mendak is a Bugis (generic) form.

Is there a scabbard?

From what I can see in the photo my impression is that I am looking at a dealer's marriage of fairly recent pieces.

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