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Old 10th July 2009, 06:05 PM   #11
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Hi David,
The diagrams are excelent and self explanatory.
I just wasn't swallowing the combination trident vs cuirass in the same scenary. I would also expect that trident perforations would leave an angular mark, not roundish. But that was only my reflex reaction, not necessarily an everlasting one.
I had a feeling you would react ; not with the sketches, which are super, but with a link showing period soldiers handling a trident. This is actually my main problem with this hipothesis.
My 'default' inferrement is that these marks would have been made to hold an insignia or a device.
Someone has already sugested this could be the marks from the riveting of a joust lance rest, for a left handed guy. But then again i think the holes set would have a different format, and also this breast plate looks more like a warrior than a tilt apparatus ... says i, within my ignorance .
Yours truly.
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