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Old 4th May 2005, 04:45 PM   #1
Jens Nordlunde
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Default Guess this Indian sword

Maybe I have bent the rules, just a little bit, by showing these pictures, but I did it to the benefit of the members. So I don’t hope the moderators will quarter me and put me on a wheel, as I have done this on my own risk, and that is risky enough as it is. I know the quality of the pictures is bad, but that is all I have - sorry.

What is this?

It is Indian, but from where in India is it?

What is so special about it?

What is it called?

I know the answers to these questions, but I thought it could be funny to see if someone else knows, or can guess it. I will bring the answers later, but until then gentlemen, please take a number and wait for your time to give your answer to the questions.
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