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Old 23rd June 2009, 05:57 PM   #11
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Originally Posted by freebooter
Just thought to pop in again with another reference about the Garuda; page 64 of Asiatic Mythology by J.Hackin and others, I quote;

"In India the Garuda gradually assumed a human shape, retaining nothing of the bird of prey but the wings and the beak turned into a hooked nose"

Well done Gav!!! In interpreting the symbolism and motif on weapons, it really is important to try to consider the perception of those fashioning and using them. I guess this is why the references focused on the typology serve mostly as a benchmark, while delving further into the weapon and the symbolism present it is necessary to rely on references that deal more with the cultures and thier art, religion and superstitions.

All the best,
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