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Old 19th June 2009, 08:11 PM   #1
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Default what were the working blades of India?

Interestingly, I've been finding it very hard to find the working blades of nations... most resources speak volumes on swords and spears and such, but unless you're talking about a culture where the tool and weapon were one (such as an ax, machete, golok, or parang) they are silent when it comes to the more mundane cutlery that was the commoners weapon, tool, and prized possession. All I know is that some Indian weapons had application outside of war... such as the Molpah and Ayda Katti, or katars when tiger-hunting, etc. I know India is a large place and has many different peoples and societies, ranging from the metropolitan where most common-folk did not own weapons, to the more tribal, where every man was expected to be or have been a warrior.

Does anyone have examples or sources of tradition Indian work blades?
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