Thread: european blade?
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Old 7th June 2009, 05:52 AM   #15
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: musorian territory
Posts: 436

interesting with the use of ferangi, Frangue , feranghi... ect is common in most of asian and the middle east to describe either europeans or european products. imparticular cannons......
i recall that the chinese ad vietnamese development of ball firing cannons is both linked to imported frankish cannons..
and if im not mistaken there is a chinese work for cannon that contains their symbol for the franks....
this is odd.... it is strange the technology traveled so far and people still new where it came from , i guess maybe the mongols or other nomads like the bulgars,, tatars ect may have been responceable for this ,, as these cultures had direct contact with both the far east and western europe....

another poin might be because of the distributation of moslems.. and the fact that the convege on mecca regulary that the term spread this way along with the frankish cannons.........
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