At Timonium, I presented some village jian. I tried to show a wide range of styles and made an attempt at providing some dates. Here is an example of one I got spectacularly wrong. It has a very slim blade that caught Nick's attention right away due to its resemblance to a kiem. He and Phillip Tom wondered if it was a Vietnamese blade or if it was, perhaps, in an even unlikelier possibility, a Ming blade of the type that had inspired the kiem. I sent it off to Phillip because he seemed unusually excited by it and waited for the result.
Well the result was completely unexpected. I had grouped this jian with later examples of village things because of its 19th c. village style handle fittings. Luckily I had also bought it at a price appropriate for such an object. The reality floored me.
Phillip says it is in fact almost certainly a Ming jian and not necessarily late Ming. The handle fittings make it in his words “a prince in pauper's clothing." It is indeed of the type that influenced the development of the kiem as documented in period Chinese artwork, some of which is found at the Met (to be shown in an upcoming book by Phillip and Scott.) Apparently my jian is the only known example outside of the illustrations. The slim blade is superficially like that of kiem, but with an edge geometry that allows use as a cutting weapon as well as the obvious use for thrusting. The steel is extremely fine grained with a subtle temper line and no forge flaws, precluding its manufacture by a village smith. The work is too high quality and too time consuming for something to be used by a peasant militia. How it came to be re-hilted in the late 19th c. is of course a mystery, but it highlights the extremely long active life of Chinese weapons, and what I see as the tendency of Chinese villagers to never let a good piece of steel out of their hands once they have it.
Pictures by Phillip Tom