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Old 21st May 2009, 07:41 AM   #14
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Just found this:

From "Arms and Armour of Arabia" (Robert Elgood, London, 1994, p.86).

H.H. Sultan Ghalib Al Qu'aiti explaining to the Dr. Elgood how a magnetic quality found in some dagger blades raises its esteem:

"...I have known soldiers from my guard, when out of uniform and wearing thier janabi, showing off the quality of thier blade by trying to lift coins and moving them ever so slightly. The very best janabi and nimcha blades were imported into the Hadrahmaut from Hyderabad, where they are made and known as 'Haiderabad'."

In my previous post the magnetic schist in steel from Hyderabad is noted.
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