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Old 15th May 2009, 02:06 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
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I did see one of those episodes Rick....the one with the wagon type thing with slashing knife blades on the wheels etc. It was kind of a forerunner of the thrashing machines used by farmers (P.D. =pre John Deere).
It was completely fascinating, but like this, the thought of being around that thing in real life gave me the creeps.

Good note Fearn on the 'cannons of enlightenment' !

Good observations by Stu and Fernando on the possibilities here, and frankly, very 'enlightening' to me as the whole concept of this thing as an actual working device was frightening, if not perplexing. I am no inventor, nor engineer, and trust me, trying to keep up with the complexities of this huge rolling bookmobile I am in is well enought of a challenge!

The idea of 'preloaded' barrels does seem sound, and much in the same manner that charges were encapsulated, eventually becoming cartridges, this concept does seem somewhat well placed. Just to spin the unit around for ignition and reloading.

All best regards,
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