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Old 15th May 2009, 01:22 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by kahnjar1
I have just come across this post and have this thought....If the thing was mounted horizontally on a central pivot, on for arguements sake a castle parapit, then it would be possible to load/reload the barrels pointing in your direction while at the same time firing those away from you, at a supposedly either scared or by now laughing enemy! A reasonably rapid rate of fire could probably be achieved, provided of course you did not forget which barrels were loaded and which were not!
This drawing appears in several books dealing with ancient weapons.
Regards Stuart
While i was promenading this morning (here), i had a similar thaught.
You could have this device mounted in a strategic place, and position yourself away from it ... behind a wall, a pavise, or in a hole, depending in the context. The small barrels can be either all linked to each other by match cord, or each one withs its own connection; with a single or multiple extension reaching the 'gunner' spot, depenging on the system used, by its time depending where this 'battery' was placed.. When the enemy aproaches, you can either have a simultaneous or a one by one deflagration; either a bang bang with only psichologic efects (XIII-XIV century) or a serious shooting.
I guess instant reloading was not much of an issue, in those days; reloading would take ages. The thing would function like a one act battle openning ... like nowadays landmines are ambush starters.
Bla bla bla.
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