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Old 6th May 2009, 04:14 AM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Tantingan is the weight estimated by holding in your hand---yes, its as specific as that, you must hold it. Can apply to anything, not just keris.

Actually Ferry, you got my attention on day one, but I was hoping somebody else would jump into the pond before I did.

I tend to take no notice at all of the dress a blade comes in, often, that will only confuse you. Have you been to the musium in the Mangkunegaran, Ferry? Seen the keris worn by Balinese mercenaries? Over the years I've seen Bugis blades in old Central Jawa dress, Bali blades in old Central Jawa dress, lots of old Madura blades in old Central Jawa dress, and I've seen old Javanese blades in old Bali dress. I just don't take a lot of notice of the dress if I'm trying to decide what the classification of a blade might be.

Yeah, some of the good Palembang are as good as anything we find from Central Jawa. I've got a real nice Palembang with heavy, perfect kinatah, fine ivory hilt and swasa pendok. I bought it in London, of all places.
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