Thread: Pakem and Keris
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Old 3rd May 2009, 09:36 PM   #30
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Dear Jussi,
only one short story to this. Some years ago I've been in Surabaya by a friend (not javanese, he is from Madura) and bought some keris by him. I reach him with a taxi and let wait the taxi driver in the front of the house. Later when we sit again inside the taxi the driver ask me what I buy over there. I take out one keris (I am sitting with my wife in the back) and show him the keris. He nearly have had an eccident because he so frightened by seeing the keris and get a gooseflesh. My wife, she is also Indonesian, told me to take away the keris. The complete time when we sitting inside the taxi he told me storys about the magic of keris. I have underestimated the credence of the magic from keris by Indonesian people complete.
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