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Old 2nd May 2009, 01:22 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by fearn
If you're puzzled about some of these weapons, I can only refer you to my favorite philosopher, Terry Pratchett.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from The Fifth Elephant. The scene: the hero has just taken a rather nasty concealed crossbow away from an assassin and is examining it in front of the assassin:

"'This is not a weapon. This is for killing people,' he said.
'Uh...most weapons are,' said Inigo.
'No they're not. They're so youdon't have to kill people. They're for...for having. For being seen. For warning. This isn't one of those. It's for hiding away until you bring it out and kill some people in the dark.'"

I think Pratchett would call most of these blades weapons.

Yes! My favorite all-time writer and (yes) philosopher as well. Loved the Fifth Elephant!
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