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Old 29th April 2009, 08:07 AM   #7
Tatyana Dianova
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 725

Hi all and thank you for the feedback.
Jens, I have erroneously put this thread on the Keris Forum. I was simply looking through its entries and started the new thread there – thank you David for moving the thread :-) My books gave me no answer; I hope that you, Jens, will be luckier :-)
The scabbard looks absolutely Nepali, so I can easily agree with DhaDha and his Nepali attribution, but similar blade and handle photos of Nepali pieces will be much appreciated. Are there any guesses concerning dagger age? The handle is made of one piece of rosewood and is not wrapped in any way. The cross pattern is simply cut in this wood.
Inveterate, I believe I’ve seen once a late 19th century Afghani short sword (similar to military issue) with similar cross guard, but since I have no pictures, I can be wrong…
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