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Old 20th April 2009, 11:18 AM   #12
Gavin Nugent
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Default Geez guys, what did I do

Originally Posted by Iliad
Gee Whiz, gollygosh and Goodness Gracious Me!! I am amazed at the responses to my posting.............and what great pics you guys have posted!
Broadaxe, if I saw someone coming at me with that sword which you pictured, I suspect that the old bowels would loosen somewhat and I would disappear in a cloud of dust! Thanks guys for the info provided, I am having enormous fun with the Ethno site and have found a whole bunch of new friends. (Except that I haven't yet forgiven Gav for telling me that my prized Moroccan Saif's were 1970's Spanish fakes! I am plotting revenge!)
G'day everyone, it never ceases to amaze me the sum knowledge on arms within this forum and some of the pieces that appear for discussion and better still, the friendships and communications that develop between members.

I saw my name mentioned so I just turn away from the books and writing for a moment and pop in and say great to see you getting amongst it Brian but becareful with revenge , I may start with the Spanish references again or worse yet out with the Kiwi jokes ole mate . I am glad to see you are starting to get more of your collection out there Brian as you see we all benefit from it.

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Hey Brian,
As they say here in Texas, yee hah!!! We're rolling now.

Whats this about fake Moroccan sa'ifs ? Better post some pictures so we can get them in the 'rogues gallery' We've all gotten stung by the 'tin men'.
Gav is the new sheriff in town and knows how to spot that stuff.

All the best,
They see me rollin, they hatin. Oh Jim, you've put me in it now
I know everyone has a sting or two in their sides from the tin men and this topic has been touched on in a number of posting, sometimes you gotta pay for the education, sometimes you just plain out study the professor, other times you just sit there with egg on your face and think what just happen, no matter what, it is all part of life and character building and never to be fretted upon.
I can't be the Sheriff Jim, I ain't got a badge nor a gun for that matter

Originally Posted by Iliad
Hi Jim,
The fake Saif's are in the Ethnographic Forum, date 27 December 2008. I can't find an identifying number on the thread, so can't be more specific.
I really thought that they were great and I was so proud of myself for acquiring them!! However, Gav is a great guy and I don't really hold a grudge.
BUT........I have a Chinese Broadsword that he wants......heh, heh, heh
Thanks for the kind words Brian, you are all a great bunch of did someone say Chinese Broadsword...I know she is in safe hands Brian, I have to put the offer on the back burner for a while though, enjoy it as it looks to be a nice piece.
Shame I cannot offer anything up on this ole war dog, no knowledge base here at all.

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