Thread: Hook swords
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Old 14th April 2009, 03:42 AM   #3
Gavin Nugent
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Hi Gav,
Well, as if Chinese weapons weren't esoteric enough around here, you have gone yet another dimension!! What an absolutely fascinating topic, and since I know little on Chinese weapons.....and if possible, even less on these, I started doing some homework.
G'day Jim,

Thanks for coming in on this posting. A man of your knowledge may just pull a rabbit out of your hat, well a file out of the book mobile at least.

One member thus far has been nice enough to privately share images of a nice one he has in his possesion. I am sure there are others out there within this community who have snipits of historical information about these, information that strays from the mainstream and quite possibly there are some nice pairs hidden away in their collections too. Wether published openly or privately I would love to see more.

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
I think that probably somewhere in some lost references in a musty archive, there may well be some sort of reference to these, along with those of many of these incredibly exotic weapon forms of China. Hopefully lurking out there may be a scholar who has stepped far beyond the bounds of the shallow research we so often are faced with when it comes to these type weapons.

I am inclined to think there are.

All best regards,

It would be nice if there were others who could share first hand information and examples.
I have had a very helpful gentleman share some scans on the subject at hand but it is in Chinese. I will get to having it translated before long.

Take a deep breath everyone and follow your nose to the unexplored corners of your librarys, there may just be something of interest no matter how mundane that might just lead to another snipit and so on.

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