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Old 6th April 2009, 01:00 AM   #16
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Default Suspension Mount

Hi Gene,

Reguarding the date and origen of this copper gilt suspension ring mount a 19th century date would be my opinion because of a number of factors all adding to that conclusion. The availablility, value and cost of different alloys changed over time and copper and brass became more commenly used in the 19th century than in previous centuries. Then you have the punch round dot background filler design again more a trend of the 19th century, especially India. Next you have an unprecise trilobe floral design that also suggests a later crafsman, in general earlier work is more precise. And finally the lack of any pierce work on the upper hanger itself, when all put together point me to 19th century India......

You could look to see what the different parts are brazed together with, then again because its copper there is the possibility oh being cast

Now your real problem is finding a matching piece.....

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