Thread: Is it a Tajong?
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Old 29th March 2009, 02:42 AM   #24
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Can anybody say what the word "tajong" means, and what language it is from?
Hullo Alan,

My guess is that the word has Sanskrit roots.
Given the interchangeablity of 'o' with 'oe' and 'g' with 'k' within the archipelago, it comes from the word 'tajoeg/tajog', meaning flower of gold adorning the head.
I don't know anything about the Djawa Koena language, but it should have similarities with Soenda Koena.
So, in Djawa Koena, one may find the words (Latinised, of course) "akaris
alandejan gading inoekir tajoeng(or tajong)", referring to the carved ivory keris hilt.

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