Thread: Is it a Tajong?
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Old 27th March 2009, 08:08 AM   #17
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

David, I do not know if it can be called a tajong or not. I do not know exactly what a tajong is,or what this word denotes or means, and although I have collected keris for a very long time, I had never come across the word "tajong" until a few years ago when I saw it mentioned on this site.

The original question was :- is it a tajong?

My answer is that I do not know.

But I do think it has a bit of age, I do think that it has some characteristics that also belong to the type of keris that is called a tajong, and I do think that it is a less than elegant production.

To me, this is an interesting keris. Purists in the field of tajongery may well disallow it membership of the group, just as I and some others would disallow some village Javanese keris recognition as legitimate Javanese keris.

But this is coming back to that "name game" that we are all so familiar with.

In my book, names do not mean a hell of a lot:- you accept and appraise something for what it is, not because you can hang some name or other on it.
Yeah, OK, I know I'm the odd man out, but if something has quality I really don't care what it is called, and if something lacks quality, I care even less.

By any measure this keris is interesting, simply because it is an oddity.


Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 27th March 2009 at 01:07 PM.
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