Originally Posted by David
Great info everyone. Nice digging Miguel.  Too bad we can't see the blades on those swords with the "Y" shaped hilts. Of course these illustrations are about 300 years past the time Steven is look for and i guess quite a bite can change in that amount of time, but it is at least something to go on.
Hi David,
Yes, the time period specified by Steven is indeed problematic. In fact, the easy answer is "there's little or no data, so next question, please!".
But we can always
extrapolate (use 16th-century-and-later data, and project them backward into 13th cent.), or
interpolate (use pre-13th-cent. and post-13th-cent. data and "connect the dots").
Below is a chart I just made, to illustrate the extrapolation and interpolation thingy ...