Originally Posted by Steven C.
Alright, thanks thats slightly helpful, but I still need to know what swords were used during the 13th century, not what weren't.
Well, glad that i could be "slightly helpful" Steven.
If i could be of further "slight" help i would also suggest that the kampilan, at least the weapon he know by that name, also did not exist in the 13th century. Though it has been suggested that Magellan was killed with a kamp at the battle of Mactan in 1521 there is much debate and really no proof of what weapon he was finally dispatched with. AFAIK there are no examples in either museums or private collects that are nearly this old. Without examples that have any provenance it is very difficult to prove anything.
While i truly sympathize with your "need to know" i am afraid that not all details of the past are all that cut and dry. Much is just plain lost forever.
BTW, it is generally accepted that Islam reached the Philippines at the end of the 14th century.