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Old 10th March 2009, 06:17 PM   #2
Jim McDougall
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Hi David,
Nice examples, and without hittin' the books, I cant offer much at the moment, on assessment, but say they appear to have good age. Perhaps Jens might come in as he knows these better than anyone!

What I would say, and strictly my own opinion, it that these patinated old weapons carry a much more attractive appearance left alone, than the more stark look of shiny metal. To me the patina is history, and it always is disheartening to see it stripped away. I would say stabilize any active rust, apply some light oil like gun oil or WD40, and leave them as is. ..again, my opinion. The status of the weapon up to point of acquisition is history...and perhaps its time with the new owner history as well...all part of the legacy!

Now lets hit the books!

All the best,
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