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Old 5th March 2009, 04:53 AM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Toulouse - FRANCE
Posts: 83

Yes you are right, Ariel, a distinction is to be made between the restorations of this thread which concern common weapons and those of the prestigious weapons. At our level, They are weapons that we have the pleasure to discover and that we restore without damage in the world heritage of the humanity.

As regards the swords of the prophet, Ali and the following ones, on 9 swords, there remains 3 which were all distorted by their state of origin. It is really pity in our current vision of things. This vision evolved a lot because these Arabic swords are for us really mythical.

I suppose that the sultans (not Arabic and freshly Moslem) made it an instrument of their power, each appropriating them by addition of writings and decorations to be more a caliph than the caliph.

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