WOW! Very nice!!!
San Miguel de Mayumo is the old name for San Miguel, Bulacan Province. Biak na Bato is also located within San Miguel...Biak na Bato was the old headquarters for Aguinaldos revolutionary government(pre-1st Republic). I initially thought this sword maybe from the "revolution" because of the San Miguel de Mayumo inscribed on the blade. But looking at the symbol(sun face and triangle) and "La Republica Filipinas", it indicates it is from the "Philippines 1st Republic" other words from the Philippine American War era. Malolos, Bulacan was the location of the 1st Republic. My guess would be this sword belonged to a General(Jefe) or officer of the San Miguel district.
After lurking and searching through older threads, I notice most refer to any sword of this era(Philippine American War) as "Katipunan" Swords. To be politically correct, all swords/bolos/daggers designed and made after the Tejeros Convention are no longer Katipunan. In history, the Katipunan was only active during the "Revolution". The real Katipunan organization ended after the Tejeros Convention took place(March 1897)...the Katipunan group was dissolved completely, changed names, and evolved in to Aguinaldos revolutionary government...and when Aguinaldo returned after the battle of Manila and set up another government in Malolos, the organization again evolved and became the "Republica Filipinas"(Republic of the Philippines). Andres Bonifacio was the father of the Katipunan, most hardcore enthusiasts believe, when Andres Bonifacio died, the Katipunan died along with him(Aguinaldo had him killed). The Sun Face is a Katipunan symbol but when it is placed "within" the Triangle it is more associated with Aguinaldos government, being he specifically asked for this symbol on the 1st Philippine Flag in 1898...the sun face triangle didn't exist during the Katipunan era. I know most veteranos of Aguinaldos government still considered themselves "Katipunans", this is because they took the blood oath for an old organization they still believed in, and they fought in both the revolution and Phil-Am War... so they can be defined as both, the Katipunan first and the first soldiers of the 1st republic. Many soldiers/generals/officers also did not take part in the Revolution and did not take the blood oath...they are not Katipunan members and do not refer to themselves as such. Many historians are quick to correct people on these two differences. Me personally, I dont care which is used for swords, but I thought I would just throw this info out there.

Sorry for the off topic rambling.