Thread: War Dogs !!!
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Old 29th January 2009, 07:28 PM   #48
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Charlie 'piggy' Guinea Pig is extremely dangerous and in between missions has to be caged.....was once demoted to the 'Catering Corp'.....but ate more food than he prepared

Tilly 'bomber' budgie seen here in her flight simulator.....provides air cover ....either 'pin point' accurate 'droppings' ......or all out 'shock and awe' ....especially after a large meal

And finally.....our sub mariners ......3 Goldfish ....code named G1, G2 and G3 these operatives are pretty fearsome.....for fun... they pick fights with Piranha and antagonize the occasional 'Great White'......perhaps I'm feeding them too much protein

Did have a tarantula ....unfortunately it died shedding its the 'Armoured Division' is now defunct. However I did keep his 'armour' after a previous 'shed' .......still frightening enough for the ladies....and arachnaphobics........this 'old soldier' still doing his duty ...even after death there's loyalty

Land, Sea and Air ....want a war .....bring it on

Regards David

Last edited by katana; 29th January 2009 at 08:44 PM.
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