Well here we have my 'animal army'
Sky and Barney .....Barney is a 'failed' military 'black project' in genetic splicing of a Ewok and dog ......not particularly fearsome but he gets quite agitated when he sees an Imperial storm trooper.
Sky is a 2000 series K9 attack model ( this model has the electronically enhanced vision), from the year 2234, sent back by the 'machines' to annihilate mankind ....so far she hasn't done a very good job.....I think her 'programming' is corrupted ....unless her true mission was to lick mankind to extinction.
Then we have the 4 commando cats ....each with its own 'specialist camouflage' for differing terrains, Harley (black cat) is particularly useful as a Ninja / Night-time infiltrator, the fourth cat, 'kitten' was out on a 'secret op' ......so missed the 'photo call'
continued next post...