Duh, there I go not thinking again. Didn't even think about it being for the finer grained priming powder. Always a smaller flask. I have two of the guns you mention. (that's why I bought the flask) Very small pan on each. Both were obtained form Spook types, returning from covert ops, in countries we were "never" involved in during the Vietnam War. My wife's Grandfather gave me one of them. He traded for it from a guy he "never" picked up, in a country he "never" landed in his Goonie Bird in.

As far as monkey, I have heard, it is quite tasty. I read "Head Hunters of The Amazon" a while back. Fascinating book. Author said when he returned to New York, after 7 years in the Amazon jungles, he longed for monkey, haveing aquired a taste for it. But alas, not mater how expensive the restaurant. it was never on the menu! Haven't shown it to anyone knowledgeable, as yet. The one person I knew that might have an idea, was our local Zoo director. Unfortunately, he died a few months ago.