Originally Posted by Atlantia
Dogs are smart! They know when to keep their distance! 
You're a trusting man Bill! I stand well back when my mrs has something sharp in her hands!
Sixteen inch blade on this bayonet.
BTW bayonets are one of the few bladed weapons illegal to carry in Georgia (USA) because Georgia Sate law says it is illegal to carry any blade made to kill people. Virtually nothing else comes under this heading than bayonets. Asked a SWAT cop.
We are able to carry long guns anywhere we want with no permit. Open carry of pistols is also ok. Concealed pistols require an easy-to-get license. Could also carry a bayonet with this license.
We have some of the most liberal weapons laws in the country. About 20 years ago Kennesaw Georgia (Atlanta suburb) passed a law that every head of household was REQUIRED to own a gun. Crime plummeted and has stayed down in that town.
Unfortunately dogs, including war dogs, are not too welcome inside most businesses, though it is usually ok to walk the on a lease almost anywhere else.