Thread: Project blades
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Old 21st January 2009, 02:21 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by scratch
Thank you for taking the time to reply J
I also find the form of luk blade pleasing. The well defined centre ridge seems uncommon.
I shall take the abscence of responces to indicate that both these blades are indeed of Bali origin and pre 1900s.
I wouldn't necessarily take silence as an indication that you are correct here. Since both these blades are pretty much completely out of stain many forumites might be withholding judgement. They could very well be Balinese and i doubt they were made yesterday. Still, even out of stain as they are it looks to me that there may be pamor on the gonjo of the straight blade. This is something that i usually don't see on pre-1900 Bali blades, so it makes me wonder if this blade might not be from Bali, or if it is, then maybe not that old.

The center ridge (ada-ada) is not that uncommon, especially in Bali blades.
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