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Old 20th January 2009, 02:26 PM   #4
fernando's Avatar
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Hi Anan,
Thanks for your coments.
Let's see if i can explain how the picture insertion works:
As you open 'post reply', there is an option down below called 'manage attachements'. Once you click it, there are six 'browse' boxes. You enter the first one and your computer options appear. Search for the file (picture) you want to attach to your posting, and click in the 'open' tab. That will bring you back the 'browse' window, where you click on the 'upload' tab. You can do this operation six times in the same session. Once it is uploaded, you can 'close the window' and 'submit' the posting, your picture/s being automaticaly inserted.
I hope i made it clear; if any problems arise, just email me the pictures and i will ge glad to insert them myself.
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