8th January 2009, 02:25 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 2,772
Originally Posted by freebooter
Thanks to everyone for their input on these lovely knives, there is much diversity and information to digest.
They have arrived and I am quite taken with them. I'll get to posting further images in a few days when time is easier to find.
I have a few questions though.
There are different materials used in the hilts of these, plastic, Rhino horn, timber, silver, ivory etc but I have also heard of giraffe hoof being used too.
As these two I have here are horn hilted jambiyas, is the any clear way of identifying the horn? Could they be giraffe hoof? Can anyone point to a good reference of identifying any hoof rather than horn?
Also the other question I have is one that opinions may vary, to clean off the tarnish or leave it? I am sure these will glow if it is removed but does this detract from their presence? Me personally, I would love to clean the silver and show off more of their beauty.
If you are going to keep them yourself then by all means clean them, otherwise leave as is