Originally Posted by stekemest
Sorry David, your sword is a classic Chinese fake. Koshirae are wrong, blade shape is wrong, Hamon is fake and kissaki is terrible. This "sword" has never seen Japan.
Hi Stekemest,
No need to apologise

, its not mine ......I had too many doubts to bid ...but 'part' of me did start to wonder whether this could be a good blade....when the bidding started to get 'serious' ...
I can see why the kissaki is suspect, but could you explain how you know the Hamon is not 'real'. I thought that the acid etched type has a definate edge (outline) whereas this one seems to more gradual. As to the blade shape ...I can know see what you mean. Thank you for your input.
Hi Atlantia

it seems that Nihonto is 'knee deep' in fakes ....never mind......perhaps one day a 'sleeper' could find its way to my door......Santa.....are you listening
Regards David