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Old 18th November 2008, 11:46 PM   #4
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

I believe that the original position of the grip on this keris was correct.

I have seen a number of examples of this type of keris with the grip apparently reversed. I own two myself, both of which were very old acquisitions into Australia, and the hilts were fitted with damar, that is, they were glued into place with a natural resin.

I have also seen at least one old photograph showing a keris like this being worn.

The tang on these Bugis type keris nearly always seems to be bent to some degree, I doubt that I have ever pulled a keris of the generic Bugis type apart and found it with a straight tang--- and I've taken apart one hell of a lot of these keris.

I do not know exactly where, when or why these keris have reversed grips, but it is absolutely certain that they do exist and the reversed grip is correct.
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