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Old 13th November 2008, 12:21 AM   #10
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Thanks for your input, Asomotif.

I've seen a total of three of these. One of the other ones was about the same as mine, and one was of really excellent quality with an ivory handle. The ivory handle one was with a batch of artifacts on sale in a carpet gallery.

I have seen a documentary on carpet making in Iran where the knife being used by the girl doing the work appeared to be similar to these knives, but as you can imagine, all I got was a fleeting glimpse of the knife, whilst it was in use.

In my household, we use coconuts as a regular part of our diet. My wife takes the shell off with big heavy knife. We don't use the coconut water, but if we did want to use it, she would simply take off a part of the shell, and then open the flesh. Seeing the way coconuts are handled for food, its a bit hard to imagine how a small, light folder could have any relationship to a coconut.

As you say, at this point, any guess is a good one.
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