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Old 2nd November 2008, 09:10 PM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Michael,

It's interesting that you asked about the clamps as it seems that the Malay clamps most often doesn't seem to be connected to the grip?
That's the case on 3 of mine and the 4th has lost its clamp.
I think I see a narrow opening on the lower base of the brass grip which seems to suggest that there once was such a metal strip present to secure the clamp (as usually found in Moro kris), isn't it?

I can't see what caused the notches but I doubt that this blade could be from 1975 (1945 + 30 years)?
Well, note that my guess was 1915-1975; this is only based on workmanship which just doesn't seem on par with old-style work (and this doesn't seem to be an antique village style, poor warrior kind of blade either): separation line not well finished, uneven engraving lines (especially including the okir motifs), very shallow central fuller, carving work on both sides of the gangya lack the usual "flow" IMVHO, not very careful decoration of the brass grip, and the overall finish of blade surface seems to be pretty rough. Nothing definitive but had you not mentioned a decent patina on the wood, I would had been hard pressed to suggest anything else than post-WW2. Without examining the piece personally, I could be way off, of course. Don't think so though...

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