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Old 18th October 2008, 11:58 AM   #7
eftihis's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Chania Crete Greece
Posts: 511

Owning a firearm (other than shotgun, which is easy) is very difficult in Greece. You must have either a "carrying weapon for self degence" licence, which is almost impossible to obtain, unless you are a banker or a politician, and the "athletic licence" which allows you to have, but not carry a hundgun. (you need a lot of effort like going to contests etc to keep it)
Regarding antiques, only flintlock are permited (anything before 1870, that cannot tace a cartidge).

Just to understand the situation, i know have to pass a trial at the 11th of November, because 3 years ago, when i bought a new damascus dagger from WARD, he sent it by mistake to my Greek ebay address instead of the London one i provided. They cought it on customs, and intead of sending it back (which they usually do), they confiscate it, and started an investigation, called me for an apology, and now the paper came for a court trial!!!
If i ger convicted is a 6 months minimum...

Anyway, i am from Crete which has a special weapon loving tradition, and i am afraid of these idiot bureaucrats!
As most Cretans i love weapons and i am not going to give up, legal or illegal!

I attach one of my favorite family photos, is my uncle and his friends after a wedding in Crete in the 50s...
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