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Old 18th October 2008, 02:39 AM   #5
kahnjar1's Avatar
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After reading the above, I realise just how lucky we are here in New Zealand, regarding importing of swords and knives/daggers. There is (at present) no restriction on importing of old/antique swords or knives provided of course they do not fall into the category of "offensive" weapons eg.flick knives/butterfly/gravity knives etc.or are a "hidden weapon" such as a sword stick We do not have to PROVE age of item either.
Old/antique daggers (double edged knives), and OLD swordsticks etc., can be imported provided the correct permit is obtained AND you are known to Police (who handle the application), as a "bonefide" collector. If you DO fall into this category, the premit application is generally just a matter of course.
Long may this situation remain, and we all hope that the "nanny state" does not try to be silly if it comes to new laws.
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