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Old 4th October 2008, 11:01 AM   #1
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Default Moro - Pira - fighting ??

Since I have my own pira I wonder how they where able to fight with this weapon.
It is a very well ballanced and mighty weapon though, but how I turn the blade with rotation movements and how I slash, the plume always is in the way and stick my arm.
I assume the plume should be a protection of the wrist area. But I think it is in the way.
Maybe therefore the plume is sometimes disposed (broken off)???
I thought this was discussed before in a thread, but I couldn't find it so quickly.
I am not a very talented, experienced martial artist though, but I have had enough trainingsessions (for years and years, day in and day out) also weapontrainingssessions.
But I can't figure out to use it properly.

By the way, I don't train with these antique weapons (they are just hanging on my wall ), but I want to find out how they were used.

Best Regards,
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Last edited by Maurice; 4th October 2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason: worse english language changed in bad english :-)
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