hi Bhushan and all the others,
Bhushan, you write that some books was published from the indian museums, thats right, but only these two books from g.n. pant are realy good ( armours in the indian national museum and the book over indian shields) o.k. there are some mistakes in it, but these books are reference books ( an japanese kabuto helmet was in the one book as an european influenced indian helmet descr...) but the other books are not realy reference books. i own these books all, and i thought than i ordered these books in india, that i became some good museum catalogues but nothing. it was so disapoint. only very poor pictures some time only poor drawings and the descripions so short and unaccurat. i ask me why in the indian museums make such an great secret around theire collections( and this is not only an problem from the indian museums. in the others museum in the world is it also not so easy to find good exhibitions reference books over the indian ore persian collections)not one good collection catalogue is availlable for these many many intrested peoples in the world. how many people have not the chance to travel indian and to visit these great indian museums with theire phantastic collections. i would like write to the indian nationalmuseum than i hoped i can find some answers at some question because my indian weapons but you seasrch an email adress at the web site from these museum for nothing.
it is a great pity for all at the indian culture intrested people.