Both keris are Pat Rem, women's keris. The first one is from Sumatra, Palembang is my guess. The selut or hilt cup is not original. It is javanese. The ukiran (hilt) and scabbard are ivory is my first impression. The scabbard has silver fittings. Blade looks good. I would carefully remove the old glue. The silver fittings shouldn't be glued on the scabbard. And reglue the Ivory parts together again with a glue that is removable if necesarry.
The second one is in my opinion a keris from Madura. The pendok is javanese, it could be a javanese keris as well, but the wrangka has a madura appearance. The ukiran is a maduran ukiran, the selut is also on this one not original. It is javanese and a shame the ukiran was abused to make the selut fit. By the way, the ukiran should be turned 90 degrees.
Age is hard to tell. Keris are not dated and mostly it is impossible to give an age on a kerisblade.