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Old 30th July 2008, 04:43 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by PenangsangII
here's my 0.02 cents..... I do not want to say this, but judging from your pictures alone, I dont think this is a "captured" blade. Similarly to the gunong. Yes, they both have some age, but IMHO, they both are of souvenir quality made for the outgoing soldiers. Hope others can prove me wrong....
Penangsang, i am confused as to why you would say this. From everything we have seen in the past on these forums this kris is definitely a very solid, battle quality kris. It is consistent with the time period sited and the blade is of a better than average quality. I would not say, however, that the hilt is of datu quality, though this may well not be the original hilt. The asang-asang does look messed with and not quite in it's proper place. Whether or not it was "captured" remains to be seen, but there is certainly nothing touristy about it, or that rather lovely gugong with the silver fittings.
The other dagger i have never seen before. It appears to be a solid and effective weapon however, and is hardly your standard tourist fare. The grasping hands is, i believe , a Katipunan symbol. Isn't it on their flag or something. I am sure someone hear can remember.
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