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Old 28th July 2008, 08:00 PM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 9
Default Dagger Pics

On the long dagger it appears that the hilt is silver with brass bolsters. The assumption of bone handle I believe is an accurate one. This dagger is of heavy blade construction, probably 3/16 to 1/4" thick. Makes me wonder if it originally wasn't a spear point? The engraving is rather crude and only on one side of the blade. I find the shaking hands engraved near the hilt to be interesting, although I have no idea of the meaning.

I was assured by my father that none of these blades were ever sanded or steel wooled to clean them. According to him his dad had them shipped back to Colorado from the Phillipines while his dad was stationed over there prior to WW1. They hung in the Hardware store that my grandmother and grandfather ran until his death, at which time my father was given them. My dad put them in a footlocker along with grandfathers military stuff.
They have remained in Colorado all this time so rust etc from humidity is not a problem. They now reside in a climate controlled safe.
Any info you guys (and gals) can provide would be great.
How would one go about getting them appraised/value?
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