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Old 18th July 2008, 12:52 PM   #12
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Looking at this piece again... it seems to be assembled from three separate sources. A probably Shilluk, wooden "mushroom" club, a Baggara spearhead and a croc skin and leather combined handle and loop, of the type to be found on Mahdist maces and those Mahdist pseudo-throwing knives.

It is correct that those mushroom clubs occasionally have spear-butt type ends, they are of a similar construction to those found on Shilluk and Dinka spears (and other tribes in Southern Sudan). I have read somewhere (forget exactly where) that these clubs were sometimes stuck into the ground and used as stools.

The handle/loop on this object would be useless as a practical grip, as the spear edge would cut the bearer's hand or wrist.

Some references would be - Christopher Spring's book on African Weapons, Peter Westerdyjk's study on throwing knives and the Pitt-Rivers Museum Southern Sudan website.

Louisblade's pictured weapon looks like a fine quality Somali spearhead.

Regards and apologies for the extended waffle....
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