Hi Gonzalo,
Originally Posted by Gonzalo G
I wrotte in the San Martín sabre thread. I´m Yataghan there.
Not knowing that Yathanag is your good self, I was mightily impressed with your contributions to that thread. For the readers of this forum, the discussion in question was bout the sabre of the great Sth American General, Jose de San Martin, used during the wars of independence in the early decades of the 19th century. I should add that Gonzalo not only knows Creole knives, but also writes with an excellent command on the subjects of eastern swords, Wootz and Damascus steels.
I can give you my modest support to help you with your thread over there.
Thank you, but I have already corresponded with him briefly on a matter to do with a `Verijero' . And if I may boast a little, also have a copy of his Dagas de Plata with his handwritten dedication and autograph.
In fact, I think I´m going to send him a message with a link to this thread.
Now, if you could entice him to write something here, that would be truly wonderful.