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Old 17th July 2008, 12:53 AM   #23
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Thank you David and Mark
I take good note of your considerations, and will digest them whilst learning more about these interesting pieces. This particular one has suddenly appeared in a street market and caught me with an entire ignorance in this field. However it fascinated me at the first glance and i felt i couldn't leave without buying it ... after a little bargaining . I can't say how many portions of fish and ships it cost me, as i am not updated with such dish price; the last time i bought it "in situ" was back in 1968 .
I will for the meantime register it in my collection inventory files as a signal cannon (canhão de sinais), but i will keep in my mind the door open for the hipothesis of it being a hand cannon (canhão de mão), or even a dual (or duel ) purpose implement.
While i was "composing" this post, i made a couple browsings on signal cannons and found that, until the XVI century navy signs were made by hoisting the sails in determined positions, or firing cannons. The system used by Vasco da Gama happens to be known: one shot was the order to carry on, two shots for turning, three shots for hoisting the "moneta" ( extra speed sail) and four shots for slowing down.
They just don't say whether Vasco da Gama used small pluged cannons, like my example, or the real combat pieces
Further material will be most wellcome.
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