When Chevalier first presented the query that is the topic of this thread, the knives of the Gauchos, the esoterica of the subject itself was intriguing. I was immediately drawn to try to find any material I could so I could respond. I began poring through resources and what notes I had available as usual to try to compose as responsible a response as possible, but found that trying to quickly put together a brief synopsis on these was much more formidable than I realized!
I noticed in checking through searches of previous discussions that Chris Evans clearly knows these weapons, and presented numerous outstandlingly detailed posts. Then Gonzalo's post revealed he too had excellent knowledge on these knives.The following posts by Mr.Maisey, Kronckew, Nagawarrior and Ferguson added beautiful examples to add to the great information and discussion that Chris and Gonzalo continue to develop.
I just wanted to say that this thread is 'textbook'!!!! That is exactly the kind of discussion and interaction I always look for here. A prefectly gentlemanly discourse with detailed and sound information presenting comprehensive material focused on a weapon form that will stand as a usable resource for collectors and future research.
It is fantastic because here not only is published material available on the topic noted, but the results of active research, field study and the experience of active collectors bring the entire topic 'up to speed'.
Gentlemen, please keep this thread going, its terrific to see this topic developing from an intriguing knife seldom discussed to that of an ethnographic utilitarian weapon that distinctly represents a colorful and fascinating history much more complex than I had ever realized. Fantastic!

Thank you very much!!!
All best regards,