Thread: gaucho knives
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Old 16th July 2008, 10:30 AM   #24
Chris Evans
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 685

Hi Gonzalo,

And yet another excellent post on the subject . Thanks from all of us here - We greatly appreciate your contribution.

Apart from Domenech, is there anybody else seriously researching these knives? I regularly read the posting on, but so far, the best postings always come from Domenech. As an aside, did you read the one on San Martin's sabre?

Originally Posted by Gonzalo G
I meant the buttons paragraph needed reworking in the sense it needs more explanation. Your translation is correct, but it only touches very lightly the subject. .
Now, I understand you. At first I thought that you found fault with Jones statements about the buttons as an identifier, for which I apologize - Yes, there is much more to it, but this kind of detailed knowledge is very hard to access.

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